Colorblends became a leading importer and seller of tulip bulbs in the country through their tested-proven bulbs and blends. As a leader in the field, their marketing materials needed to display their confidence and knowledge.

Brief & Idea.
With no advertisements to break-up content, we shifted to providing informational panels. As flowers are vivacious and friendly, the brand should reflect that.
With a color palette reflecting the bright colors of flowers and nature, and by selecting Eames Century Modern, and conservative use of filigree, we would have a toolkit to develop catalogs with a playful and informative feel.

Like their tulip bulbs, Colorblends is bold, colorful, and exciting, and we mimicked that confidence in our font choices and design assets. The color palette was inspired by the colors of the tulips and the promise of Spring.
The Colorblends catalogs have been featured on programs such as Martha Knows Best. The clients also boast about how the catalogs are “a piece of art.”